To The Moon, Alice...To The Moon!

1. What's with all the post titles lately having exclamation marks? I'm way too animated.:)

2. As you can see by the proof above, my name, in digital form, is indeed headed for the moon's orbit. Woo Hoo! (Damn, another exclamation mark.)

3. One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster. (What does that mean? I dunno, just felt like sayin' it.)

4. I just received a $100 gift certificate from work thru Aetna for some quick little health assessment survey I did online. I could "cash it in" for a gift card from my choice of many retailers. I picked Longhorn. Yum.

5. I'm down to 295. Chugging along. Man, it feels much better. I think this was a good idea. (Finally! LOL! More exclamation marks.)

6. I have a day off tomorrow, kiddies. I'm off to Universal. I'll take my camera and maybe we'll have some pretty pictures.

7. I bought a coffee maker Sunday. I don't make coffee on work days since it's free at work, but it'll come in handy for the weekends.

8. My screenplay "Only The Lonely" finally got published on Already I have 2 reviews and they both gave me 3 1/2 stars outta 4. Pretty good, huh? They liked the "twist" ending. I'm the next M. Night Shamallaaananan, whatever.

9. I played golf Sunday with Ric at Mayfair in Sanford. Man, are my arms sore. My shoulder held out pretty well since the motion of a golf swing doesn't cause the pain. The pain is caused by a more vertical rotation rather than horizontal. Didn't help my game though, I suck just as much as usual.
10. Oh, Hillary, just bury any hatchets you have with Barak and await his nod for you to be his running mate. Division in the party could cause "Ole Turkey Neck" to win in November. Don't let that happen. My name is going to the moon on board an American space craft, and I'd like to stay American when it gets there. As you know, I have already vowed that if the Republicans win, I will defect to Canada. I'm too old to start learning Canadian. (Wink, wink...ha ha ha!!!!...threw in a few more exclamation marks for ya! Mwaaa! Love ya! Baby, you're the greatest!!!)