Three And A Half Stars

That's what each of the 3 "peer" reviewers gave my script, "Only The Lonely" on's community forum.

Here are the reviews:

Very enjoyable

From Kyron Dazeley

This was really well done, especially the ending. The only suggestion I would make is to maybe add a bit of suspense leading up to the ending, something that would throw the audience off even more before revealing the ending. Otherwise, well done.

From David Chase

I liked it, at first I thought hmm maybe the psycho is coming to get her when she got on the phone but then me thinking the way i think i was like no she's the psycho. I think what would have made it all the more better is if there was a mother present in the childhood that didnt do anything so that can justify her killing the both of them and like maybe them having a daughter that she feels she's possibly saving that is why she kills them, just a thought. But overall good kept me interested!!!

From Ashley

Not bad, huh? (Sorry about the spacing...I tried to paste it directly from the site and it was all messed up, so then I deleted it in order to just copy the text alone, but these empty frames won't delete...argh!)

Well, a lot better than the Rotten Tomatoes reviews of the recent mega-flop "88 Minutes" with Al Pacino. Here's what some of them had to say about that:

When they were counting down the 88 minutes, I just kept saying to myself, "oh man, this movie still has 72 minutes left?" "Oh man, this movie has 17 minutes left?" I just couldn't wait to get out of the theatre.


An enjoyable thriller for those who don't worry about plots...

This is an excruciating "88 Minutes."

It's usually fun when a murder-mystery offers several suspects, but this goes beyond serving up a few red herrings; here, we get trout, tilapia and mahi mahi as well.

Creative Loafing

One of the absolutely stupidest mysteries ever to receive studio financing and a legitimate theatrical release in this country.

Antagony & Ecstasy

Given that 88 Minutes actually runs 108 minutes, it's tempting to make the joke that the movie is 20 minutes too long. In actuality, it's 108 minutes too long.


Hoo-ha, Al, take the money and run.

I haven't seen it so I can't say one way or the other, but I can say I wasn't impressed by the trailers. Al Pacino looked like an old man trying to play an action-adventure role requiring a lot of running and panic. My thought was: "He's gonna have a heart attack and die before the killer gets him in 88 minutes!"

IMDB probably can't legitimately claim this is a flop since I didn't see any posted film budget and without a starting point, how do you know if it made a profit or not. But folks, c'mon. It's Pacino. You know he took at least $15 mil minimum, likely more. And the movie, in it's 4th week, has only made a total of $16 million. Tisk, tisk, tisk.

I think someone should buy my script. It'd be cheap to make, featuring only 2 actors and 2 extras, minimal sets, and short story (45 min. MAX, and that's with a lot of directorial extrapolation to my script!).

So c'mon Warner Brothers, gimme a shot.