Dreamdust, Jerry Lewis And The Android Blogfans

I woke up this morning knowing that I had just been interrupted by the alarm clock, oh so rudely, in the midst of a really good dream. But like the dust that, no doubt, floats freely in the AC-wafted air of my house, the entire contents of that dream drifted immediately away. I was left with just the strong feeling that it had been a really good dream. You ever get that? You don't remember a thing about it, but you just know that it was good, or bad, in some cases. That's when it's probably best you don't remember it.

Well, lets see, what else about my life in these past few days is also categorized as ephemeral?

For one...remember the jubilation at hitting 299, people? Just a couple weeks ago! And it had continued to drop to 295 a day or two later! How about that! (I'm talking about my weight, folks!)

So what's it at now?...

"Show us the tote board, Ed!"*

*Okay, kiddies...This is a reference to the periodic updates of the giant totals readout of the amount of money donated thus far during the annual Jerry Lewis Labor Day MDA Telethons, the classic ones of the 70s.

Jerry, sweaty, greasy-haired and bloated from exhaustedly hosting the show non-stop for hours, would turn to Ed McMahon while dragging on his cigarette and ask for the update to the numbers. And the tote board would flip dramatically through digits and flash, as the orchestra played a snippet of Burt Bacharach's "What The World Needs Now Is Love" accompanied by a building tymphani and drum roll. Then popping of lights and crescendo of music and symbols clashing as the board displayed the gains of countless more millions of dollars, lovingly pledged in by telethon viewers across the country.

Oh the drama, as Jerry would practically fall over in emotional upheaval as he expressed his gratitude, crying into his scotch-on-the-rocks and looking bleary-eyed into the cameras in thanks...for the kids.

BTW, don't get me wrong by this remembrance of classic Jerry Lewis Telethon days of yesteryear, I fully support his cause and feel for those afflicted with MD as anyone would, but c'mon, can you say "Yessir, I would like some more cheese with my wine!"

Okay, back to reality. And the tote board says: 305

Yup, 305 people. I gained 10 pounds back in the last 2 weeks. Boo, freakin' hoo!

Why? One word: Ric. He's the devil.

No I can't put the blame totally on him, but seriously, he's not really the best influence in the world, folks.

Couple his lack of support (more like outright mockery at times) with his eat, drink and, well, drink some more, attitude, and, well, it's just impossible to maintain a healthy frame-of-mind. (Or avoid having a sentence with way too many commas, it appears.)

Suffice it to say, I am getting back on track today, folks!

Last week my Sansa Clip mp3 player bit the dust. (From just a little sweat folks...so do not place an mp3 player anywhere on your body that you sweat when you work out...for me that's really hard since I am a sweating machine when working out.) So I went to Target and bought an iPod Shuffle.

Oh, that reminds me, I gotta cancel that Rhapsody account. And you can't just click on a link to do it either, they make you call in to customer service. Hrumph!

The Shuffle came with ear buds, but they suck. Really, I was surprised. Luckily the ones from my now dead Sansa were still good, so I use them instead.

I am dragging butt today since I didn't get that much sleep last night. I have a favorites folder filled with links to various blogs I like to visit. And reading written blogs and viewing video blogs is what I was doin' to the wee hours, folks! It's like my own personal reality show since you are watching all these strangers and getting to know the daily (or whatever frequency they post) goings-on in their lives.

Kinda like you are doing now.

If you ain't just me, that is.

But I think that's all there is since there's an endless void of comments goin' on here folks. Had a few spam comments a year or two ago, but since I put the "anti-bot" requirement on the comments, there has just been....nothing.

Maybe I have a lot of robots reading my blog, and because they lack the ability to "see" the disfigured letters, they can't post their comments.

Well, it's just as well since their comments would likely be in binary language:

011100100 100 001100 1010 1000100 10100 10 0011 11100 00101001 0010 00 01

Oh man....

Faded dreams, widening butts, childhood TV addict memories, fizzled digital music players and now, fake machine code conversations with mechanical men.

People, I need a life!