Will It Be A WICKED Good Show?

We'll see soon enough.

Tonight, after about 5 months of waiting, I am going to the Bob Carr to see "Wicked".

Marshall (remember him?) raved about this musical having seen it several times. He boasted how many hundreds of dollars he gladly spent on tickets for various performances.

It's been playing to record-setting crowds for a few years now on Broadway and is still going quite strong.

Will it live up to it's hype for my tastes though?

We shall see. Hmmmm.

In other news, Jorge just yesterday, went to an interview for some presumably higher paying job. If he gets it, that would leave a Coordinator position open. And unless the budget is cut eliminating the position (which I doubt), I will be up for it. I think I would be the best (if not the only) viable candidate for it. Pro: Mo' Money! Con: I would actually have to do SOME work. (As opposed to now where I do, um, nothing, really. Just a few easy cases (email work), and stupid things like the con-call I'm on right now as mearly an observer.) Hmmmm.

The car is still running fine but there are a couple of outstanding little nuisances lingering...the "Low Coolant" light still stays on for a while when I first start up the car (though the coolant level has been checked and they said it was fine) and the right-side amber daytime running light is out as well as the right-turn directional signal. (Maybe the right-side tail light too? Not sure. Maybe I'll be pulled over for it...great!) The biggest issue is still the fact that the A/C doesn't work. Man, I'm mulling over the idea of just trading her in for a new one. Hmmmm.

Last Tuesday I had the follow-up appointment for my heart monitor (Holter) that I wore last month for a full day. But, while I was waiting in the exam room for 20 minutes, I heard the nurse on the phone ask for the doctor and she had to remind him he had 3 patients waiting. He wasn't even in the office. Who knows where he was...still sleeping maybe? No wonder they call us "patients", ha ha! Well, I wasn't "the adjective" so I had to leave before I saw him. (I was using lunch time from work...I'm outta PTO time.) So I rescheduled for this morning, and I just got back a couple hours ago from seeing him. I'm doing fine, no fibrillations on the Holter, he assumes it was a consequence of binge drinking. I have to agree. But I know that I've had the palpitations even after a weekend, or several days, of what I call mild drinking (6-8 beers or just one bottle of wine at a time). When I write it out, I guess I do realize that even those quantities would be considered by most people to be large. Hmmmm.

Went to a funeral (again) with Ric a couple weekends ago. His friend Martha's mother died. She was in her 80's or 90's or so and had been suffering from a few ailments and was in a nursing home under hospice care, so it was no surprise. At the service, Ric could sing the hymns without even looking at the book. I, of course, tried to look respectful and reserved but my mind kept drifting to the fact that it was a gorgeous day and I'd much rather be at the parks. Hmmmm.

Speaking of the parks; the Disney pass has expired...awww! But, Ric and I got $99 Power Passes for the Universal Parks...yay!!! We had a fun day, and I only had 2 beers, the rest of the day I kept to diet soda. Ric, of course, drank like a "one fish...two fish...red fish...blue fish..." What's more, we (or I, at least since I have a car) can come back anytime (barring a few blackout dates) for the next 12 months. Hmmmm.

Well, I'm at work as you can see by the post time, and the meeting is over, so I must get back to my happy imaginary customers on my imaginary calls.

Aren't I the WICKED one?
