Baby Steps

This title reminds me of one of my favorite comedies, "What About Bob?". Bill Murray, Richard Dryfuss...I think they played so well off each other they could have made another dynamite "loveable doofus/irritated straight-man" team like Abbott and Costello. But of course Bill got more "serious" dramatic roles eventually leading to Oscar nominations and, well, Dryfus was just too big a star for that. Not that I'd know, but Richard Dryfuss seems like the kinda actor who would be a big ass prick on the set. Just comes across that way.

Here are my recent "baby steps" to my own personal "vacation from my troubles"...

* Down to 308. (From a high of 326 late last year) It's a longer road the way I'm doing it (reduced calories, yes...but not outrageously reduced like I've tried in the past. I'm not starving. Average of 1800 calories/day during the week (but weekends, unfortunately get unraveled with visits to Jax or Uno's or Friday's, etc.). Not working out as much as I should...was doing ok soon after buying my Sansa MP3 player but kinda "forgot" about my workouts since.

* Ric and I are getting along nicely. I have now gotten him hooked on "Civilization III: Conquests" and we spent last Saturday literally for hours in front of the computer playing this Hot Seat. My hope is we can do this more, and drinking less...

* The manipulation of the dialer software loophole continues unabated at work, much to my "Costanzian" delight (The ideal slacker job). Had a 1:1 regularly scheduled meeting with Jill and I think I used my suave skills of image building in making my cause for pay raise/promotion/security etc. much stronger. Unlike a guy like Ripley, I know how to brown-nose with out the recipient of the ass-kissing knowing that their butt has even been touched...they just come away with a nice warm feeling of satisfaction....Smooth n' Stealthy! SMACK!

* Feeling more energy most times. (Except for the occasional narcoleptic episodes during the afternoon...most likely from the medications) My right shoulder still going through it's aches and pains just like it's left side counterpart a year ago (Did I mention the shoulder pains are happening on the right side now? Ya. Same exact symptoms as last year with the left one. Yeah, looks like I'll have both shoulders "frozen".) but the pains are getting a little better. Taking Naproxen when they get nasty.

Everything else still in it's state of "same old, same old".

Despite progress, I'm still reticent to announce an end to the Era of Koyaanisqatsi. The effects of this period of my life have been too long term and deep-cutting to shrug it off too easily. But no doubt, the worst is over. These newly-discovered health issues are the new frontier of concern for the future, but by their very nature, an escalation of their effects on my lifestyle would only herald a newly-name age of crisis. They are not significantly enough, unto themselves, related to the events of December 23, 2001 like the rest of the Koyaanisqatsi milieu. Most of those nigglets have stepped themselves off the edge of the "here and now", and have made their way into the realm of ancient lore.