Let's Ketchup...But Please, Not 2 Pounds Worth!

Snippets of Recent Stuff...

There's this young, shirtless, hot looking guy from Rhode Island bloggin' shit about his mundane life and all. (No, not me...I'm not young and hot looking anymore. And I live in Florida now, not RI).

He recently revealed that he has this thing for ketchup. He figures he eats, on average, about two pounds of ketchup every month.

Um, wow.

And folks, this guy is cut. He is NOT latherin' it on mass quantities of hot dogs and french fries, let me tell you. He's all into New Age spirituality and yoga and shit. He must down the stuff straight. Maybe squirts it right in his mouth.


Ya, so I have some regular blogs I visit. I especially like those with pictures and video and good writing and somewhat decent grammar and spelling. Oh, and something interesting to say doesn't hurt either. It's like a favorite TV show, but more...well...real, you know?

Reminds me, I haven't posted pictures in a long time.

I need to get back to that.

Happy Anniversary!

Yes, we have been together now for 1 whole year now. My true love. The love that is dependable and was denied me for 5 long, tumultuous years!

That's right...it was one year ago today I got my license back and bought my car.

And thus, became free again.

So, anyway, I found a way to never have to actually talk to any customers at work, yet no one knows. It seems, according to the software, that I am talking when actually, no one is on the line.

That's right, baby! I've achieved it!

George Costanza Heaven!

I get paid for sitting at my desk, daydreaming, and browsing the Internet all day. Stuff I do here at home for free.

How do I do it?

"I'll never tell..."

I wear this little silver medallion now, almost all the time. I found it on the ground over a year ago on my walk either to or from work.

It was just sitting there, undamaged, in the dirt.

I'm pretty sure it's made of silver. It looks like the old Proctor and Gamble logo...the one that caused all that controversy about Satanism and shit. It is a crescent moon with a little profile of a face, grinning, with an array of 5-pointed stars around it. The P&G logo had 13...this has 12.

I just think it's cool.

To me I think it represents our whimsical, yet reverent awe for the night sky and all it's wonders.

I'm still tying to do better in the areas of eating and drinking. Ever since the heart palpitation scare, I am taking the whole issue of my health more seriously.

I went for a nuclear stress test a week ago with my new cardiologist.

(A year ago, I had no doctors other than the Wal-Mart or equivalent-level eye doctor to get my contacts from...now I have "regular" doctors that I see (and pay either thru Aetna or out of pocket) frequently...isn't getting older grand!)

They shoot you up with radioactive fluid and make you run on a treadmill till you near pass out! Then you lay on this slab which moves you under this huge circular x-ray machine, rotating around you, beaming even more radiation into you to take pictures of your beating heart.

Makes me think of Star Trek IV when Kirk and Bones are trying to rescue the recently captured and injured Chekov from a then-contemporaneous (1986) San Francisco hospital and they come across a pair of doctors discussing a case requiring chemotherapy. Bones is aghast at the "medieval" medical practices of the day and berates the doctors for their barbarism. He later meets a woman there to undergo dialysis treatment and gives her a little pill. She is later jumping for joy, rejoicing in the fact that "...the doctor gave me a pill and I got my kidney back! I'm cured! I'm cured!".

Ric and I see each other less now, but that's fine, I think, by both of us.

As they say, absence may make the heart grow fonder...

But familiarity breeds contempt!

He decided against the PS3 but he did get a new American Idol game for the PS2...It's fun playing this karoke/competetion game.

Ah, the simple pleasures of the single and sexless middle aged set.

Well, with all the pills I'm on now....If Brent Everett himself showed up in my bed wantin' to get laid...I probably would have a difficult time getting it up.

Um, but it is Brent Everett...FUCK!!

Maybe not that difficult! ;)