Watching the CNN Democratic Presidential Candidate Debates tonight I couldn't help but think: How great would it be if the ticket coalesced to look like this come November: Clinton - Obama, and, let's face it - Clinton.
You see, I've long thought that electing Hillary would be getting two for the price of one. Though "First Gentleman" Bill would have no official function in the government, his experience, expertise, charisma and influence would be an undeniable boost. Now imagine Barak Obama as Vice President; the most active Vice President in history...virtually a co-president!
Though not very successful in it's few implementations (due mainly to the confrontational and super-inflated egos of it's members, ie. Caesar, Pompey and Crassus) the institution of a governing triumvirate was, in my opinion, a brilliant invention of the ancient Roman Senate. If it works, it's a team of three great minds working together with it's own built-in checks and balances to avoid tyranny and insure accountability, to lead a nation to glory.
It sounds politically incorrect and out-dated now...but I think, now more than ever, what our country, and our world needs, is just that: Glory. A glory not at the expense of a downtrodden minority; not as a result of an armed conquest. A glory unlike anything imagined in the past. A glory of a unified sensible populous affirming liberty, happiness, mutual respect and protection for all.
All right, enough grandstanding for tonite! :)
Things on the island are kooky again...
Naomi parachutes to the island.
The survivors are saved, right?
Ben says they're coming to kill them all.
Factions are formed.
Jack says: Trust them.
Locke says: Hell no.
Locke throws knife and sticks Naomi in her back.
Ben lets Naomi run away.
Jack beats up Ben.
Naomi dies.
The Losties split into Pro-Jack and Pro-Locke camps.
More "rescuers" drop from the sky.
Locke holds Charlotte hostage.
Ben shoots Charlotte.
Charlotte has a bullet-proof vest and is unharmed.
Locke beats up Ben.
Sayid gets on the helicopter to go to the ship.
Kate and Sawyer sleep together.
Sawyer is relieved because she says she's not pregnant.
Kate slaps Sawyer.
Hurley is poor again?
Hurley is committed to the looney bin again.
Hurley sees and talks to Charlie. (But isn't Charlie dead?)
Sayid kills people again.
Sayid works for Ben.
Kate goes on trial for killing her daddy.
Jack testifies he doesn't love Kate...anymore.
Kate hugs her "son", Aaron. (Claire's baby born on the island)
Man, it's gonna be a great season.
You see, I've long thought that electing Hillary would be getting two for the price of one. Though "First Gentleman" Bill would have no official function in the government, his experience, expertise, charisma and influence would be an undeniable boost. Now imagine Barak Obama as Vice President; the most active Vice President in history...virtually a co-president!
Though not very successful in it's few implementations (due mainly to the confrontational and super-inflated egos of it's members, ie. Caesar, Pompey and Crassus) the institution of a governing triumvirate was, in my opinion, a brilliant invention of the ancient Roman Senate. If it works, it's a team of three great minds working together with it's own built-in checks and balances to avoid tyranny and insure accountability, to lead a nation to glory.
It sounds politically incorrect and out-dated now...but I think, now more than ever, what our country, and our world needs, is just that: Glory. A glory not at the expense of a downtrodden minority; not as a result of an armed conquest. A glory unlike anything imagined in the past. A glory of a unified sensible populous affirming liberty, happiness, mutual respect and protection for all.
All right, enough grandstanding for tonite! :)
Things on the island are kooky again...
Naomi parachutes to the island.
The survivors are saved, right?
Ben says they're coming to kill them all.
Factions are formed.
Jack says: Trust them.
Locke says: Hell no.
Locke throws knife and sticks Naomi in her back.
Ben lets Naomi run away.
Jack beats up Ben.
Naomi dies.
The Losties split into Pro-Jack and Pro-Locke camps.
More "rescuers" drop from the sky.
Locke holds Charlotte hostage.
Ben shoots Charlotte.
Charlotte has a bullet-proof vest and is unharmed.
Locke beats up Ben.
Sayid gets on the helicopter to go to the ship.
Kate and Sawyer sleep together.
Sawyer is relieved because she says she's not pregnant.
Kate slaps Sawyer.
Hurley is poor again?
Hurley is committed to the looney bin again.
Hurley sees and talks to Charlie. (But isn't Charlie dead?)
Sayid kills people again.
Sayid works for Ben.
Kate goes on trial for killing her daddy.
Jack testifies he doesn't love Kate...anymore.
Kate hugs her "son", Aaron. (Claire's baby born on the island)
Man, it's gonna be a great season.