Against Roe v. Wade?

Then you may as well kill yourself to save the numerous organisms you'll murder, mercilessly, in your lifetime...whatever is left of it.

That's'll croak eventually anyway, but if you do it now, at least your decomposing flesh (assuming that, as a devout Christian, you won't cremate yourself) will serve to aid in the propagation of numerous parasitic species a little bit sooner, so that there may be countless more living organisms attributed to your legacy on the Earth in a few billion years from now when, by the red giant expansion of the dying sun, the planet is destroyed.

Hmmm, kinda puts it into perspective, doesn't it?

How strange, as I am writing this, a campaign ad for Mitt Romney appears on my TV.

I wonder if he'd agree with me. I think not.

He probably agrees with his buddy Huckabee that the Earth was created in 6 days, oh, about 4 or 5 thousand years ago.

(Pun intended) HOLY FUCK!

Mark my word...if a Republican is again elected as the next President...I will be moving to Canada!

I will set aside my winter coat fund...just in case.

Speaking of setting aside a fund to pay for an upcoming expense...

The recent issues, very prominent here in Central Florida, concerning actor Wesley Snipes have got me concerned.

Snipes is on trial for tax fraud and it was reported that he hadn't filed a tax return since 1997.

Um, I haven't filed since 2002. GULP!

And I don't have the bucks to shell out for an expensive defense legal team like him. I'd be so screwed.

I went to Uno's a couple weekends ago when I knew Ric would show up. He did. He sat on the other side of the bar, but after a couple of hours of him trying to unsuccessfully beat me in NTN trivia, we decided to bury the hatchet. I went to his house; he had a new Playstation karaoke game. We played, had fun and he was alright. I guess the feud is over. For now.

Had a PTO day Tuesday and went to both Magic Kingdom and MGM (Now known as Disney Hollywood Studios)...I think locals, at least, will still call it MGM for a while longer.

Then made my way downtown, had a few beers and margaritas at Wall St. Cantina and walked over to the Bob Carr Theater to see my fav, Kathy Griffin.

I bought the ticket over amonth ago and couldn't wait until this I was a kid waiting for Christmas.

Her show was amazing and she had a lot of new material, but, I have a few critiques.

Bob Carr is not what I would consider an "A-List" venue, yet amazingly, it's the only professional caliber theater in the Orlando metro area.

It's architecture and interior decor are totally 1975! And small...the stage was barely big enough for a stand-up comedy show...what horror if it is that size for my upcoming viewing of "Wicked" in April. My only hope is that it did look like the proscenium was collapsible and could accommodate a bigger stage for bigger performances like a Broadway musical.

Well a new Project Runway is on (actually I think it's a repeat from last week but I didn't see it) so I gotta go. 2 current reality competition shows tear me away from my computer..this and The Amazing Race.

Soon, it'll be joined by "American Idol" again once it gets really going in the next few weeks.

Hey, I grew up with the Boob Tube tit to suckle's hard weaning off it! :)

I should be happy. at least, that I wasn't aborted, eh?