What Were The Coen Brothers Thinking?

I just watched (while surfing the Net, so, really, half-watched) "The Ladykillers" on broadcast TV. Um, what a piece of crap! And I usually love the kooky twisted movies made by these guys! What was Tom Hanks thinking?

Anyhoo, let's catch up....again. These posts are getting to be once monthly editions! Ugh!

Missin' the beaucoup paychecks of the massive overtime weeks. Ah well.

Just got over another case of the gout, about as severe as last year. At least I didn't have to call cabs or take any days off because of it. Just hobbled around the office with my right foot in a sandal for a week or so.

Gave $25 to Kevin B. tonight...he seems depressed. Hope he pulls through okay...I think he will.

Ric's family from Indiana was down visiting a couple weeks back, as I mentioned in the prior post...

The kids broke the microphone to the American Idol PS2 game...but not before they tortured me with hours of their horrific singing! This family was cheap! 4 days in the Orlando area and despite the 1000 or so things for tourists to do, they only went to Universal one of those days...the others were spent here at our complex hangin' out by the pool. C'mon people...if you're gonna travel, do some unique to the area activities. I mean, I know they can't hang out by the pool in Indiana right now, but they will be able to in a couple months!

Speaking of American Idol...so sad Sanjaya got booted off last night. Boo Hoo! He's not the best singer, but he had character! And he was so sexy singing that Spanish song! Mmmm!

Well gotta finish tonite's beverage choice, Glen Ellen Reserve cab...bought a box of it (yes, gasp, how tacky, wine in a box!) when Ric's fam was down and it tasted good so I got a bottle tonite...yes, not bad.