Channel Surfing Can Be Quite A Journey Sometimes

Tonight while flipping through channels I happened upon a channel I would never normally turn to...The Soap Network.

But to my surprise, they were rebroadcasting a now 25 year old episode...the wedding of Luke and Laura on General Hospital.

This brought back such memories.

Back then, even folks not into soap operas were somehow caught up in the phenomenon of Luke and Laura Fever.

It was especially strong among college students...classes would be vacant because they had the misfortune of being scheduled at the same time as the afternoon bradcast of GH. I was still a high school student at the time but my friends were older and very much caught up in the mania.

I still remember the pop/proto-rap song of the time "General Hospi-tale", raping the lyrics with my friends and the fact that you were socially outcast if you didn't know what was going on on GH.

The broadcast I saw tonight looked so dated; so '80's. There was a scene with a very young and probably much unknown then, Rick Springfield. What a trip.

The '80's seemed filled with several of those momentous "TV Moments"..."Who Shot J.R.?", "The Battlestar Galactica Finds Earth", "The Final Episode of M*A*S*H*", "The Alexis and Crystal Cat Fight", "The Broadcast of 'The Day After' Movie", "The 'Where's The Beef' Vice-Presidential Debate", "The Single and Only Broadcast of the '1984-esque' Apple Macintosh Commercial"...and the list goes on.

Funny how technology has made special "TV Moments" more ubiquitous and easily taped, the moments themselves seemed to become less socially "important".

As Archie and Edith sang..."Those Were The Days!"...