The Calm Before The Storm

This weekend it will be essential to rest and relax in preparation for next week...

Starting Monday, our department at work is going to be doing 12 hour mandatory overtime shifts each day.

The reasons:

1. Major release of our newest anchor product...we handle the requests for updates from previous versions that have current technical, basically, 90% of the customers we deal with.

2. The "dawning of a new age" (my own phrase, not the company's)...the merging of the up-until-now separate databases maintaining our customers records...availability products and security, together. (Over a year and a half after the merger of the 2 companies that make up our present-day company.)

3. The new customer-facing websites, certificate formats, sku numbers, buying programs...basically, everything, is different. (Should I say "better"? Well, it looks like it, but we'll see, won't we?)

4. Our new tools and case management protocols...all new starting Monday...

This company likes to do things with DRAMA! No soft phases, no trial's like we're playing Texas Hold 'Em and we know we have the winning hand (or think we do), IT"S ALL IN, BABY!

On the positive note though...lookin' at some real boost to the booty for my "Gettin' Me Some Wheels" fund...

A few weeks of this OT, if it pans out as predicted...lookin' at a quick spike of the ol' income graph in my MS Money! Can you say Lexus? (No...unfortunately not THAT much of a bounty! LOL!)

Well Ric made his one year anniversary of sobriety goal mark and got a "gold" token from his recent AA meeting to honor this. I am amazed at how effortless this has been for him but having done the same for a good 5 years over a decade ago, I know that if your head is in the right place, it is really easy. I now know though, that if your head ISN'T's hard as hell.

Bought Civilization 4 last week. I love the graphics, music and animations, but frankly, though it's early yet to fairly judge, the AI, interface and gameplay seem pale compared to Civ 3. What's more, I tend to like enormous epic games played out on a vast world...In Civ 3, you had a huge world to explore and conquer when you chose the "HUGE" world size Civ 4, "Huge" is about the scale of "Large" with Civ 3...I thought with the higher system requirements that 4 would allow for even LARGER scale worlds than 3, but that is certainly NOT the case. Example: With some of my most epic games in 3 I had conquered the world and possessed maybe 70 or 80 cities on average...with Civ 4, in my current game, I so far own one-third the world but have only about 15 cities...and I'm playing on a "Huge" world.

My dental insurance card came in last week...yeah! And one of the best things about that: as I look out my bedroom window across Greenwood Avenue...I can see the building housing my dentist! How convienient is that?!

Well, dinner is waiting and my tummy is growling so, 'till next time...