Billy, Don't Be A Hero

I'm listening to one of my favorite CD's, the soundtrack to "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert". Fabulous Movie, Super-Fabulous Soundtrack!

But the 3rd song on the track has me thinking about the current state of events.

The song is a remake of the early 70's "Vietnam-Era" song, "Billy, Don't Be A Hero".

Besides being a great melody and entirely appropriate to the movie where traditional "masculine" values are challenged, the song has personal meaning to me.

In the early seventies I was in elementary school, but, as I'm certainly no slouch, in the mental capacities realm, I was certainly and sadly aware of the state of affairs then. I vividly remember the nightly newscasts and the "roll call" of fallen soldiers announced by Walter Cronkite.

So many dead...and even at the age of 8, I knew that 19 was way too young to die.

This song touched me then and still, today, brings more then a couple of tears to my eyes when I think of the lyrics.

The wife of a young man called up for duty in Vietnam, admonishes him, Billy, to not volunteer for anything...just do your duty and come home safe to me...

But Billy, ever wanting to do "the right thing", does, in fact, volunteer for a mission...and is killed in action.

The wife is notified in a letter of her husbands demise.

It makes me think of how many young wives, husbands, girlfriends and boyfriends are left without thier loved ones as we come up to the Holiday season in the present situation.

But don't feel uncomfortable about me, an aging fat ol' queen bringing this up...

Vote with your Heart, America!