Long Live The Queen!

Well this past weekend, specifically Friday, October 20th at around 8pm, Mildred IX yielded the throne to her successor Mildred XI. (Yes, it may appear there is a skip in the numbering but actually Mildred X was the short-lived Celeron which, now along with Mildred IX, the Athlon XP 1800+, is gathering dust in the closet)

She rocks BTW, and I have had just superior performance from her since last Friday.

Ric is a good boy and only using the account I set up for him in XP...what a nice feature...he can cookie all his boring financial sites to his hearts content and it doesn't affect any of my browser settings. More importantly, I can keep my browsing activity and passwords away from his prying eyes. Not that I don't trust him, but privacy without worries is a nice thing.

Well, again, this system is the bomb so I must go now and further explore her capabilities. I'll post soon on how work is going (pretty well) and other such trivials soon.

'Till then I, and her Royal Majesty bid you adiou. :)