Happy 100!

According to the Blogger Dashboard...this is my 100th post!

Yay! And I kid you not, as I was writing this, I could hear fireworks going off in the distance. That may sound like I'm losing it, but this is Florida, and we love our fireworks...could have been a new dealership sale, birthday party or wedding...lots of people have firworks around here so it's not too unusual to hear the occassional "pop-pop".

What a week...

It started most oddly with an earthquake!

That's right...I was sitting here at my computer around 11:00 in the morning Sunday when all of a sudden the closet door started to shudder in it's frame for about 30 seconds. It was weird, I sat looking at the mirrored glass sliding door of the closet which are not properly aligned, so they tend to rattle when even the slightest vibration is felt. At first I thought, maybe Ric was up, but he wasn't....and the giggling wasn't rythmic like the footsteps of a person...it was constant throughout.

So I thought briefly...I wonder if this is an earthquake?

(To be honest, other issues played into that assumption like I could feel a deep rumble as I sat in my chair...)

My assumptions were confirmed a few hours later when I found out from the TV news that in fact, there had been an earthquake recorded in the Gulf of Mexico and that it had also been felt by other Central Florida residents.

My attitude at work changed from one of "exclusion" to "inclusion". As Bugs often says..."If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!".

I volunteered to monitor our "pool" email address for incorrectly assigned requests in order to re-direct them to the appropriate email address.

What ever happended to "Billy Don't Be A Hero"?

I hit the digital scale for the first time in a few weeks just a few days ago...

OVER 300...302 infact.

The specifications of the scale say it only records up to 300 lbs. Well, I guess it goes a few pounds over that?

I hit the $3000 mark this week in my checking account.

Nancy's cubicle still has her personal effects there (family pictures, knick knacks, and other collected items), but I'm told by Kemmy evything with me is "all right"...it wasn't the over-the-top superb accolade I wore during the first week hear...but it was a strong "ok". What causeed the diminishment was likely due to my confrontation with Cheryl early on...

I told Kemmy that I would love to go on to be a superb trainer. I mentioned the credentials I have in this area, and though I stated that I liked Cheryl's approach to training (in so far as she is very "hands-on"), I did not commend her "mastery of the actual information", I didn't make mention of the fact that Cheryl lacked the actual knowledge to conduct a training session.

Cheryl is in Springfield, Oregon this week. She should be back next week. Kemmy said there are some 5 new temps to train next week.

It will be most interesting indeed.

I'm making pot roast and I want to insure it is done before Ric comes home, so I have to go and tend to it.

This should NOT sound at all "Sleeping With The Enemy"-ish.

Never would get there.