
Why do people walking on the sidewalk in the opposite direction you are feel compelled to nod or say hi? When you drive down the road, the people in the cars on the other side of the line don't wave at you.

And what's the deal with saying "Bless You" to someone when they sneeze? People seem to feel compelled to say this even if they don't know or even don't really like the sneezer. Do they believe like in medieval times that demons have a window of opportunity to steal your soul when you sneeze? And why say "Are you okay?" if someone is repeatedly sneezing or sneezing loudly? Are they gonna make it better? Or are they really thinking "you better stop distracting me with your disgusting bodily noises and, fo-sure, you better keep them germs to yourself you worthless sicky!"?

People tend to cling to these habits of what is called courtesy, but they do so with such rote and aloof execution to make the actions actually more of a dis-courtesy. Like in high school when you were made to stand up at the begining of the school day in homeroom class and Pledge Alligience to the Flag. Did anyone put any conviction into their voice during these oaths? No. We all sounded as muffled, mumbled, monotone and bored as possible. So isn't reciting an oath, which is supposed to "come from the heart" (the "heart" of a subtly-disguised neo-facist devotion cult to the "Fatherland", that is...oh please! You know it is!), in a manner such as school kids do, actually Anti-American?


The vending machine in the breakroom at work hasn't been restocked in a couple of weeks now so the pickins are slim. It seems that based on what is left (Milky Way, Hershey's, Butterfinger bars and granola bars, plantain chips and raisins) people tend to choose a middle of the road snack between the Too Fattening and the Too "Healthy".

Marshall still hasn't said the "G" word. But we chat about "To Wong Foo...", his cats, bitchy power-trippin' whores, and exploding vaginas. We'll be air-kissing on the cheek and calling each other "Miss Thang" before that fag SAYS outright that he is as such! I'm not gonna be the's a given fact in Gay Culture 101 that when 2 fags meet the one that is more flaming should be the one to make it clear first! Hasn't she read the handbook?

Okay, what's the deal with ""? I'm flippin' through profile and pic pages of boy after boy who all look as hot as hell, with rock-hard abs, and still have time to sit at a computer and write up an extensive self-loving homepage profile, replete with lots of personality quiz results, bio fact sheets, animated gifs, and, hundreds of "friends" who they keep in touch with by visiting each others pages and leaving a short message of "hello" called "showin' some love". Who has the time for 1064 friends? I have trouble with one!

I think it's funny that this week started off Monday with a supposed "show of force" for the "undocumented" immigrants working in this country to not show up for work. Who comes up with these stupid ideas? Inspire poverty level, paycheck-to-paycheck workers to miss a days worth of income, thus driving them deeper into poverty ('cause, baby, I been there and if you are making low wages, even one day out can fuck with your finances!) and potentially exposing them to an angry employer firing them or reporting them to the INS. The Mexican landscapers tending the lush green lawns and public areas on the road into worked seemed to be hard on the job early Monday morning.

And the work week ends tomorrow with what is essentially a middle-class American "holiday celebration" of convenience, Cinco de Mayo! At "PR's", "Chili's", and even "Fridays", you know all you'll see are a bunch of white-bred Americans whooping it up with margharitas and doing tequila shots, thinking erroneously that they are "celebrating" Mexican Independence Day! (It's actually a day commemorating the defeat of French forces occupying Mexico in the middle of the 19th century)

On that reminder, I should get ready to wind down and call it a night early so that if I do go out tomorrow night, I'll have the energy to enjoy myself and not pass out on the bar somewhere. I hate when I do that! Luckily, I don't remember any of it so I don't have to be embarrassed when I go back!