Wow! Heineken Really Sucks!

I haven't tried this beer in years so I thought I'd buy a bottle and try it.

(The inspiration was a TV news report just a night or two ago which broadcast a car wreck involving alcohol. One car was found to have 2 cases of beer onboard and it was unknown if the driver had been drinking any of them or had been already under the influence. the camera panned to the wreckage of the car and showed the smashed 12-packs clearly identifiable as Grolsh, the great beer from Holland that used to have those porceline stoppers instead of ordinary bottle caps...sweet!)

Well the store didn't have Grolsh so I had to suffice with Heineken the other famous Dutch beer.

But it tastes like skunk piss!

It probably doesn't help that I just enjoyed a six-pack of Samuel Adams Boston Lager.

Of course, anything else pales in comparison.


Last Friday I bought a six-pack of "Shipyard Export" a "handbrewed" selection from Maine... was fantastic!

I would definately recommend even surpasses Sam Adams in refreshing satisfaction!

Alright enough about beer, let's get down to it...

Last week was a horror of continuing tension between Cheryl and myself. I was about ready to call the bitch out.

But, luckily, the gods smiled upon me since I was miraculously transfered to Nancy's team (which I wanted to be on all along) on Friday.

Nancy is cool and in no way the meglomaniac like Cheryl.

Mildred was continuing to flounder in the wake of the Great Malware Attack of '06. So I finally took the time and effort to do the "right thing".

The Samsung hard drive from 2004, itself crippled by the Great Malware Attack of '04, was reformated.

From this reformatted drive I reinstalled the OS from scratch...thus forever eliminating the memory leak and browser corruption which I had to endure.

(Sidenote: When porting files from the old Maxtor hard drive to the "new" Samsung, I noticed the memory leak still evident and, the hard drive itself was very hot to the touch....maybe the hard drive was dying?)

I have elected not to reinstall the AOL software, and though I am liking that decision in many ways like less memory usage, easier dial-up and better integration of IE, I have already experienced some annoying pop-ups wanting me to indicate if I want to "stay connected" or disconnect due to "inactivity" (ie. reading or, in this case, writing, rather than "browsing")

Called Phil Cross tonite, got his voice mail, haven't spoken to him in a while. We'll see if he gets back to me.

Ric bought a new couch and chair for the living room, it should be arriving in a week or so.

Well, that's the news from the homefront...

Let's have another pull of the swilly Heiny on that, eh!