
This week has been a circus...the ongoing critical and condescending attitude of Ric (well, much more than usual, of course), the odd insomnia I've been having, a whirlwind of interviews, long bus rides and hour long hikes.

Well today, I went to interview at Ric's workplace. And who was the HR Rep initiating my series of interviews (or slated to anyway) good friend Latarsha from my Sears days. I didn't get a chance to find out why she left there but she did mention in passing that it was only a few months ago...gee, and she seemed to be moving up rapidly there...she must have run into a ceiling, especially in regards to salary...if I remember correctly, Latarsha likes the "finer things in life" and though I think she married well (a doctor or something?) I think she likes to shop for her own bling bling from time to time.

Anyway, Latarsha was receiving all the applicants for today's Job Fair at this company. (We'll just call it "Anti-Geico" since it does start with A and is a call center environment auto insurance provider, but it is not Geico. You mystery readers out there, all 2 of you, maybe, who stumble across my know too much private info as it is so you're gonna be left in the dark on this there, take that you would-be identity thieves!) I, like the others went for customer service positions. She pulled me aside and recommended I apply for sales...the same department Ric is in. It is more lucrative (yea, I know how much Ric makes) and there would be less "competition" for open positions since the vast majority of the maybe 50 or so people who attended today were trying out for customer service.

So, I filled out yet another application (my hand is cramping from all these applications at these various companies), then was forwarded to Michelle, one of the senior HR Reps for the Sales Department. Well, it turns out I had met her before. When Ric and I moved into this condo, Ric saw Michelle having a patio-side BBQ with here boyfriend. Turns out, she owns the unit on the first floor in the "front" of this same building! After chit-chatting she ran down the specs of the biz (which I already knew from Ric) and then I did a typing test, which, yay, I passed. (all this blogging pays off...polishes up the ol' keyboarding!) Then I met with 2 managers in the sales department for the Q&A know the BS sessions. "Tell me about a time you had a stunning sales experience." "What are your areas of satisfaction with call center environment...dissatisfaction" All the Blah know. I usually have no problem with these face-to-face interviews, they're just a prime opportunity to show off my communication skills and wow them with my baroque crap-molding skills.

Towards the end of that 2nd managers interview, I had been there almost 3 hours and was thinking, since it was just about the time for Ric to start his shift "Gee, wouldn't that be funny to have Ric see me there." Well, as I was being shown around again for about the 4th time and told about the buildings amenities like gym, locker rooms, full cafeteria, break rooms, yada yada, the manager brings me right by Ric's cubicle and as we are approaching him he points out "...and here is where Ric is." and right there is Ric. He seemed very surprised to see me and even shook my hand as I said hi to him.

I haven't seen him since, of course since he is still at work for a bit more and by the time he comes home I'm pretty much in bed, but I'll see him tomorrow when he gets up. I don't have any interviews slated for tomorrow (whew!).

So we'll see if we are back on speaking terms for more than just a show for his boss (so he can get the $500 referral bonus if I'm hired). It'd be nice. Especially if it does turn out that we are working together. Oh boy, working together and living together...whan have I done this before...oh yeah, that's 1998-2000, at DM and Lee Rd....and with whom?: Ric!

Here we go again?