This Is The Dawning of The Age Of Aquarius...

Well, we are in a new era...

The Age of the Pod People.

Apparently they have found a way to neutralize one of the biggest alkies in North America for good.

Saturday was Ric's birthday. (Aside from the 25th anniversary significance...isn't this ironic...what a coincidence!)

Plus, the next day, yesterday, was Super Bowl Sunday.

This is like a planetary alignment in favor of compelling Ric to abandon his futile sober ways and come back to the family of "Coors Light", "Tucher" and "Petron Margharitas".

But...alas...the good Pod Person he is...he stayed the "straight and narrow" course.

In the ways concerning this home's peace and quiet...this has been an obvious boon. But in the "having a drinking buddy to party with", this has been a definate downer.

I suppose it's all good though.

Ric says that once his probation is over in early 2007, he is planning on a "blow out" celebration like Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

Hey...I'm all for it!