Koyaanisqatsi Marches On!

Let's just say that it has been an interesting week.

Ric and I went to Outback Steakhouse for his B-Day dinner celebration...very "soft drink only" as mentioned in the last post. I felt like a loser since it was his birthday and he was paying for my dinner. How wrong.

I finally started feeling better about this job despite the fact that last Friday they fired Karen, the former real estate broker who really, actually, needed to be let go since I don't think she had a clue of what she was doing. I was getting the hang of things and working hard to book clients. My sales skills were perfect for this kind of sale and was booking left and right.

(Yet...I did the math and even at the rate I was going which I felt was more than sufficient even for a veteran...I was only looking to make about an average of $9.00 an hour. The wage of my abandoned Convergys job which I won't be eligible for again until May.)

Went to the company Recognition Dinner held at the Lake Mary Marriot's Bistro 450 Restaurant. Free steak dinner with wine...alright! The awards given out were decidedly lopsided. Though about 20 sales reps were there, only 3 got recognition. They got free goodies, including free cruises for their superior sales over the past year. But get this...they didn't get the prizes from the company...they got them from the cruise line! When we were told free cruises may be awarded, I always thought the company would pay (at net, of course) for your cruise as an award from the Company to You for your service. But it actually is awarded from the cruiseline to the top salesperson of their line in the company. Well, duh, I would expect they do this for every large travel agency. I mean, it's no big cost to them! What's one measly, probably inside cabin. Sheesh! And absolutely no recognition for anyone else. Not even thanks (other than that they got to be there and got to eat free).

Caught a bit of a sniffle on Tuesday which manifested itself into a full head cold by the next day and by Thursday I felt too ill to go in. Could I have suffered it out and dragged myself in?...Yeah, I guess, but, well, you know me.

When I called in to Carol (remember...the "placate" queen?), she stated that she was sorry to hear this because she was meeting with Pat and Tifni and deciding on who would not be staying with the company.

When I went in today, no surprise, I couldn't log into the system from my computer, and was called into the conference room where I was, in short, fired.

So today, I am in the unemployed category once again. A common situation of this adventure I call my "Koyaanisqatsi". (Wish that was a legal SCRABBLE word, it would be worth a lot of points!)

I feel like I've been kissed on the cheek by Heidi Klum and told..."Auf Veidesen!"