Ebenezer Ric

Scrooge has nothing on Ric when it comes to micro-managing every last penny of his money. This is one area where Ric and I differ so much.

I have always had an aristocratic/bohemian attitude towards money. I endeavor to not fret about it one iota. My dream is not to be a billionaire obsessed with the art of making money and subsequently keeping it, but to live in a "world of personal credit", where items and services are not bought or bartered for, they are given with the expectation that the financial compensation would be promptly and handsomely awarded by one of my minions. I am loathe to be aware of the details of the transaction...it is beneath me!

Of course, it would take a vast fortune to be able live like this, and a fair dose of fame wouldn't hurt either. I'm not talking Bill Gates or Warren Buffet rich...they do, I presume, worry about money and spend vast amounts of time trying to build their fortunes. I'm talking Sultan of Brunei, Prince Charles, or Liz Taylor rich. Monetary worth may not be as high as the business "wheelers-n-dealers", but the fortune has ivy growing on it. In other words, they can get by more on their clout than on their cash, baby!

Ric is entirely consumed with setting himself on the "right course" lately. He didn't use this term but I know by his actions this is his thought process.

He seems to actually be taking to heart AA and is going diligently to meetings and meeting new friends.

He is consumed with the re-financing of this condo. In all honesty he should be because his P&I is way too high and this is a result of his zeal to get this place this past spring. I think he paid too much and jumped at an expensive lender offer because they approved him even with his spotty credit history.

He is very concerned about the stability of his job. But, for as long as I've known Ric, the main topic of his life...that's right his life...above family, friends, lovers, has always been his job. So this is not new. Even though, historically he goes through jobs like a baby and diapers.

Now add to the mix the fact that as of June of this year, my rent to him became not just a courtesy to cover added expenses as when I was just sleeping on his couch at Sun Lake, it became a necessary avenue of income by which he could afford to pay the mortgage for this place.

At least that's the impression given....

Remember previous posts where I noted that Ric had, in just one weekend day, spent over $200 on booze, taxis and misc. expenses?

These have been eliminated now. He leads a straight and sober life now thanks to Park Place and AA. If he spends more than $30 a weekend you could blow me down with a feather.

During the chaotic days of his drinking binges and subsequent confrontations with me...(damn!...that was just a few months ago!), I blurted out once that Ric was just "drinking up" my rent check each month. I still believe this but unfortunately I think he thinks that this is my motivation for delaying rent next month. He bitches and moans about the impact of just 1/2 rent on January 1. And today I told him that February may also be diminished due to the fact that my first payday at the new job might not be until the 27th of January.

So, dear reader, in a huff, he is stating that he will pull the Bell South phone line, which I have been paying but would be unable to until February. That means I may have a "hiccup" in my internet service for a while...most likely not until after Dec. 31. In a way, fine with me...I'll cancel NetZero as they suck anyways and once I get revenue coming in will re-establish the phone line and get back online with a better ISP. Heck, if income is as good as I assume it will be, I'll get DSL or cable modem back. Well see.

I'll try to squeeze in as many posts including some FLASHBACKs before the inevitable "blackout", but you know I will be back. This is just yet another ripple in the enduring fabric of the state of koyaanisqatsi!