Another Wild and Crazy Weekend!

This was my weekend on at work so I was, relatively speaking, the good boy, but not Ric.

It seems like he is in a contest to see if he can out do himself each weekend lately. I know it has to do with his building anxiety about the trial coming up...eventually. I think he knows he's running out of delay tactics. His lawyer is good but, come on people, even if you waive the whole "speedy trial" right, it won't postpone it forever! Especially a felony, I would think.

Ric came home Saturday night around 8:30 and was already 3 sheets to the wind. (What does that saying mean anyway, did you ever wonder?) He was in a very loud mood. Jovial but obnoxious, of course. I'm used to him on the weekends by now, but a few things immediately went right up my ass.

1. I had just hunkered down to watch K-PAX, a great movie I've only seen once before and loved it so I was looking forward to seeing it again.

2. He was getting into the whole "just another organism" thing again to needle me, no doubt.
(About a month ago or so Ric and I had both gone out drinking and later adjourned to the kitchen and continued to drink some Coor's Lights. We got into our Christianity vs. atheism verbal swordplay again and I got pissed and told him we all are no more significant than single-celled organisms like bacteria...even Gary was no more important in the Universe than the thousands of germs I am killing now (then I smacked my hand palm-side down on the counter, wiping out, I would think, a few micro-organisms, though, I would hope, not thousands of them...I do keep a clean house!))
Granted this was an insensitive thing to say, but I was drunk and I don't rub my beliefs in his face as much as he preaches from his imaginary pulpit to me! It was inevitable to pop out of my mouth sometime.

3. As he was pulling another can of beer from the fridge, he said "I noticed the headboard is missing from your bed, you must have accidentally broke it and tossed it in the dumpster." I told him there never was a headboard on that bed and he smirked and said I didn't have to cover it up, it was okay with him.

Well, that did it. I turned off the TV and started in on him very adamantly. He was being a total jerk, not believing me at all, assuming I was now lying to cover up my attempt at deception because I was supposedly embarrased I had broke once of his furnishings or because I was afraid he was going to want me to pay him for it.

"THERE NEVER WAS ANY FUCKING HEADBOARD!!!", I screamed at him in a rage. I saw the look of a mix of shock and indignation on his face, and at first he started to apologize, I guess, finally realizing I was not lying, but I stormed off to my room and slammed the door, and, making it sound very audible, locked it. Then he started to get pissed I was yelling at him so he started screaming back at me through the door...saying shit like "I don't care about a headboard but if you really want to fight, then we'll talk about your "beliefs", then I can get into it!"

I soon calmed down alone in my room and eventually a few minutes later went out to pow wow with him and all was cool within a few more minutes. He really wasn't looking for a fight, he just didn't expect my reaction. But I hate it most when I am wrongly accused of something.

And, ultimately, I am getting very tired of his drunken weekends.

He says that when his sentence is handed down to him he will abide by the ruling and comply with the restriction on drinking in earnest for the duration of his probation which will be at least one year. I'll believe this when I see it. He's well into his chronic stage and heading quickly for critical, with his disease. He'll likely need to turn to the "Cult of AA" for support in his abstinence attempt. "All Hail the Power of the Higher Power!"

What's more, his religious zealotry will likely increase as his fears and anxieties build as August marches on into September, the likely trial month. Yay, I say to Thee Verily...more verbal "fire and brimstone" for the wicked heathen I am.

...Pardon the oxymoronic pun but..."God help me!"