My Life Will Be That

Rachel: Listen your cheeseburger is a bit too well done. 
You don't mind do ya? Unfortunately, that's life! 
Cheyenne: You know what the problem is... Rachel? 
Rachel: What? 
Cheyenne: Without realizing it, we go from an age where we say: 
"My life will be that" to an age where we say: "That's life."

-Quote from the movie "This Must Be the Place"

So I went to my doctor's yesterday morning thinking "Okay, so she's gonna look at me all perplexed wondering why I just don't do the right things." But after I got done with her, I realized that it's not her perplexed and acting confused, it's me. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask myself. And I've been asking this question every day for over a decade and a half now.

I guess you could call the last almost twenty four hours the final key to unlocking a simmering urge. The urge to get real and start living life again.

It wasn't anything in particular that the doctor said or did, you know. I think it's just that I'm somehow now able to see my life through the eyes of another person. And it's like when you drive down the road and see someone on the sidewalk and think "Damn, they're fat!" or "Why are they wearing that?" or "Poor thing, look how pitiful." It seems we're able to make snap judgments about the life choices of total strangers, while speeding past them at fifty miles-per-hour, that we can't seem to make for our own selves and the choices we've made.

So I've come to the realization, as my first step towards recovering my lost self, that I have to take an active role in shaping not only what is to come, but also, what is.

This is the essence of the dialog quoted above. We grow into an age of complacency and lowered expectations. We throw up our hands in resignation.

But I now choose to instead throw up my hands in celebration of what will be.

And what will be is the start of the best time of my life!