More Fun Than Playing It

Over the past few days, I've been absolutely consumed with what I call Yogscast Fever. Let me explain.

I was cruising the internet the other day (and by day, of course, I mean your night) and stumbled across the YouTube videos of these two guys from the UK.

They seem to have been doing video game reviews and playthroughs for a while now, and from what I see, mostly the High Geekdom games, at that (you know: WoW, Diablo 2, Rift et al).

Well they started doing multiplayer walkthrough videos with apparently "live", as they play, narration in their distinctively jaunty accents and natural buddy comic-duo humorous banter, complete with over-the-top hilarious voices for "NPC" characters in what seems to be an absolutely fucking epic custom server game of Minecraft. (What? RPG style gaming in Minecraft, replete with quests, changing mapscape and interactive NPCs? Really? Well, the jury's out on that...I'll explain further in a bit.)

(BTW way, don't mind the blaring lack of concern for any convention of grammar, non-existent restraint against writing run-on sentences and lack of cohesiveness, not to mention the irritating overuse of quotes and's "the middle of the freakin' night" for me! I can't sleep! Arrrgh!)

I've watched these guys from what seems like the first time they'd ever played Minecraft together, unsure about even the most fundamental aspects of the game, crying out like little girls when confronted with even wimpy mob threats like skeletons and zombies to the seasoned adventurers they are now, digging up treasure, completing quest challenges and hunting down an ever-elusive and mysterious evil enemy named Israphael. They still squeal like little girls though.

I literally have more fun watching them play Minecraft than playing it myself!

After watching dozens of their videos, it does appear that at least some of what we see is either heavily-edited to give it a seamless look and feel or it's mostly just "made up" to look as if they are stumbling blindly through a very long and massively-detailed customized game. They're too spot-on with their voices, the NPCs seem to be able to respond to even vague questions accurately and even react to what the guys have said only verbally...huh? How's that possible?

So not all is what it seems, they at least have some other humans on their server "playing along". But even so, they make a great show of it.

Their banter is absolutely priceless and obviously addictively funny. They're bound to be picked up by some talent scout and become the next big sensation to spring out of YouTube. At least for the geeky gaming set. Which, it seems, is quite a lot of people...their videos, less than 20 minutes each, on average, get hundreds of thousands of views!

Check 'em out for a chuckle or two. But be warned, you'll soon be tuning in every day anxiously awaiting their next hapless yet lovable adventure!