The Last Straw. Really!

Alright, I know I've said it a number of times before and it seemed like it was going to stick each time, but really, this is truly the last time. I'm no longer friends with Ric.

Unlike the past few times which were examples of the growing rift between Ric and I coming to a head, this time, it's for a definitive reason. I revealed to Ric that I was undergoing a personal crisis and he pulled away. He wants to retain our friendship as a video game playing one only, with the intermittent need for me to drive to places outside of his biking reach.

I'm tired of being used. And to use me without supporting me during my need for support is the lowest of the low.

So he can call, but I won't answer.

And I won't be knocking on his door in a month or so.

I feel better without him.
