I Am Stuffed!

Just got back a short time ago from having an early dinner at our fav restaurant/bar Uno's. Had the small Chicago Classic deep dish pizza, all by myself as, of course, Ric had to order the usual...buffalo wings. I can eat well, thus my weight of course, but this "small" pizza is just a bit much for 1 person (it's designed for 2 or 3...tee, hee!)

I'm still a bit pissed at Ric for last weekend's rant of his. He had come home drunk at the early hour of just 6pm (you know that's not good) last Friday and started whaling in on me for no reason. Granted the guy has gone through more than his share of stresses of late, but so have I, and when he does this unexpected attack, it just reminds me so vividly of my father when I was growing up.

All week I've not been leaving messages on the white board, purposely keeping him on edge. He called me Tues. evening from work and asked if I were mad at him. I told him "I'll get over it." This morning, I enjoyed sleeping in late, very late for me (I usually wake for work for 6am). When I finally got up at 11:30am, Ric was in his bathroom just finishing his shower. I made a small bowl of Post Cranberry Almond Crunch with Silk and took it to my room while I went online. Though my bedroom door was open, Ric came down stairs and then took his bike out for a ride. He came back about 45min later, and sat in the living room watching Robo Cop or some dumb shit movie like that. Finally about 3:30pm he appears in my door and gives his usual little Sqiggy-like "Hullo..." Like the world's all honkey-dory.

I was still hungry so when he asked if I wanted to go to Uno's I agreed. We sat at our usual places at the bar...well, actually a seat or two to the right as we didn't have to worry about sitting too close to Shalom...for some reason Ric hates her. I think it's cause she drinks iced teas or diet cokes and yes, she does give a school marm-ish look if patron seem a bit under the influence. I do agree with Ric that this is ironic behavior for someone to be a prude about drinking while at a bar. I mean, what does she expect?

I only stayed to play 3 games of NTN since, 1. I was not in a mood for drinking and being around Ric while he's getting smashed and you stay sober really sucks. 2. I really did only go out for the pizza. 3. It was too early for sittin' around a bar, with hardly anyone there. 4. I really want him to think about the hateful things he said last weekend and how continued trash talk could potentially impact my feelings towards him negatively.

If we were characters in The Sims, we need some good gibberish sounds and icon balloons which will create green plus signs over both our heads soon.